A generous downline building program
Have you seen a generous program owner lately? I have found one - Michael Cobb of the Home Income Team.
Michael's program enables you to build your downline in a number of income generating programs as well as in traffic exchanges, paying systems and other downline builder programs. He enables you to enter your ID for each of the programs identified within the HIT system so that when someone joins one of these programs they join as your referral.
The system is free to people who join anyone of five premium income earning programs. Many HIT members first join Global Domains International (GDI) because it is the cheapest and one of the best.
Michael's generosity is evident in the following actions:
1. when a new free member joins the Home Income Team, he/she receives a one-time special offer at a discount price, and Michael gives the referrer a commission from any sale at this joining stage
2. Michael has created multiple lead capture pages for HIT and the the five premium income producing programs - and these will have your ID on them
3. he provides for you to enter your photo (and not his own) on the HIT lead capture pages
3. he does regular promotions to the whole HIT membership (over 3,000) for each of the income programs, offers a bunch of incentives for joining (e.g. ebooks and software) and includes your ID and not his own in these promotions
4. he includes AdSense code on each of the HIT lead capture pages and lets you record your own AdSense identity so that you get the AdSense income and not him when you promote the HIT lead capture pages (you can even pay for your monthly membership for GDI from the AdSense revenue!)
5. he provides excellent tutorials to help you with your promotions
Find out more about this generous program by clicking here