Support for Affiliates - the Affiliate Classroom takes the Prize!
Anik Singal, the Founder of the Affiliate Classroom, certainly sets the pace in providing support for his affiliates.
I joined as an affiliate about two weeks ago and each day I have received detailed instructions on strategies for marketing the Affiliate Classroom.
For example, the instructions about using program reviews talks about issues such as "know your product", "tactics of the best reviews", "what format to use", "where to get sample program reviews", and "alternative formats - making videos or audio explanations about the program or creating your own FAQ section".
The daily instructions cover the following areas which you can use as a checklist for your promotions of your current affiliate program:
1. pay-per-click search engines and AdWords
2. newsletter to your opt-in list
3. signature lines and forum postings
4. solo ads and classified ads in ezines
5. writing articles and submitting them to directories
6. recruiting leading internet marketers to your downline
(I've tried this and may have a taker for my Affiliate Classroom
7. search engine optimisation on your website or blog
8. banners and AdSense
9. creating program reviews
10.ethical "bribes"
11.using pre-written articles.
Each of these come with specific, detailed instructions and are supported by more in-depth video tutorials in the member's area.
Click here to take the $1 trial and see what the Affiliate Classroom has to offer: