For a number of years I have been looking for a focus for my Internet business and affiliate marketing.
The day after I joined Affiliate Classroom, I found my focus - and it relates to online learning. During the last five years I have worked as a facilitator to help vocational education and training colleges around Australia build their capability in online learning.
However, focus is not enough - you need a way to monetarise this focus as you do with any website or blog.
Again the Affiliate Classroom came to my aid. Anik Singal provides regular profiles of niche products/services in the Affiliate Classroom. I was able to locate a program that fits my interests and experience very well.
The relevant niche profile not only gave me details of the program and how to join, it also gave me an analysis of its potential and the nature of the competition. The best part, though , was that it suggested an integrated marketing strategy for this product and identified the target market.
So now I have a focus , a program, ideas for my website and marketing strategy and I know I can get personal coaching to support this endeavour. The Affiliate Classroom provides a step by step guide to pursue any niche supported by tutorials, case studies and forum.
The beauty of the niche program I have found through the Affiliate Classroom is that it is "Paid per Lead" (PPL) - I don't even have to sell, I just get paid for each legitimate lead I send to the online learning program.